Short stories
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The missing portrait
A few years ago I the pleasure to be invited to Saint Petersburg to show «El Ring», a short movie on young Cuban boxers.
Of course I visited the Hermitage museum. I brought along a Leica M6 with the 50 mm Summilux. This image was shot on slide film. I followed this couple from exhibition room to exhibition room for more than 30 minutes. They never noticed me as they were concentrated visiting this unique museum. Leica M6. 50 mm Summilux. |
Bechak driver in the rain
«Neither wind nor rain nor heat stops these bechak drivers from the swift completion of their task».
The wind picked up. The rain was approaching fast. I quickly covered my camera with a plastic bag that I put between my chest and my t-shirt and I rode my bicycle to the location that I had scouted before. When I returned home, I was soaking wet. The camera survived. I caught a cold. Leica M9. 75 mm Summarit |
cold evening in Bromo (volcano)
Gotong royong
Javanese Expression Meaning: Mutual Cooperation. The men and woman are cleaning the road access to their village. This is the tradition of mutual cooperation in all Javanese villages. Leica M240. 50mm Summilux GOTONG ROYONG ou LA CORVÉE (De la série: Moments Indonésiens. Expression Javanaise qui veut dire «coopération mutuelle». Les hommes et les femmes nettoient ensemble la route qui mène au village. |